Exercises To Grow A Perky Butt

If you want to make a good first impression, focus on your make-up, hair, and abdominal exercises. If you want to have people remember you when you leave, do exercises to achieve a perky butt. Everyone wants to look their best in jeans, swimsuits, and clinging evening wear. You won’t do it if your booty is dragging. You don’t need special equipment to do it. All you need is the right exercises. I provide them all in my Get Ripped workouts.

Doing squat variations gives you a picture-perfect butt.

Start with squats as a baseline exercise to improve your booty. The basic squat starts with your feet shoulder width and your toes pointed slightly inward. Lower your body as though you were about to sit in a chair, then rise again. You can modify your foot width to work different muscles. A Plié squat is similar, but the feet are placed wider than shoulder width, and the feet are pointed outward. By varying your foot positioning and depth of the squat, you’ll work a variety of muscles. Always squeeze your glutes as you rise.

Do a bridge to tighten your core and tone your glutes.

A bridge is excellent for toning your butt. It’s beneficial for core muscles and hamstrings, too. Lay on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Your arms should be beside you with your palms up. Lift your hips from the floor, putting your weight on your heels to form a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Hold as you squeeze your muscles tight. Slowly lower your body and repeat.

  • A modified plank helps your butt get a perky appearance. Start by laying on your stomach. Lift yourself, resting your weight on your forearms and toes. Now, throw in that butt-tightening move by lifting one heel toward the ceiling. Lower it and raise the other.
  • Lunges also build butt muscles. You can do the traditional lunge, stepping one foot forward a few feet and bending your front knee so the back shin touches the floor. Alternatives are walking lunges, side lunges, and back lunges.
  • Do stairs. You don’t need special equipment if you have stairs in your home. You can create a step-up with a low table or a sturdy box. Riding a bike also tightens your bottom. Use it for short trips when the weather is comfortable. A bonus is saving on gas.
  • You can benefit from isometric exercises where you tighten your muscles, hold, relax, and repeat. Before you start any exercise program, always discuss it with your healthcare professional first.

For more information, contact us today at Get RIPPED! by Jari Love

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