You don’t have to be new to exercise to make some of these common mistakes. I’m well-seasoned to exercise and still learn new things every day. If you do nothing, you won’t make mistakes. Making mistakes is a sign you’re working to get or stay fit. Check out these common mistakes and see if you’re doing any of them. If so, it’s time to change. Whether it’s improper technique, doing too little, doing too much, or some other issue, you can always improve your workout, no matter how seasoned you are.
There’s a reason I have so many different workouts,
If you’re doing the same workout for years, you aren’t doing yourself any favors. Your body becomes efficient at the workout the longer it does it. It doesn’t burn as many calories or reap as many benefits. The chances of working all muscle groups on all planes are limited. Switching workouts periodically is good for your body and your brain. It helps the brain develop new neural pathways.
Are you working out long hours or just spending long hours in your workout outfit?
Both of these options hurt your progress. You can overwork your body if you exercise the same muscles intensely every day. If you do intense exercises, give each muscle group 48 to 72 hours. Spending hours exercising provides diminishing returns after the first hour and a half. HOWEVER! New studies show that the healthiest people who live the longest get two to four times the recommended exercise. If you’re counting the time you’re wasting, stopping to talk on the phone, or getting a cup of coffee, don’t. When you exercise, only count the time your body’s involved in an exercise, not the time you’re doing other things.
Focus on your form before you start counting reps.
Your form should be the top priority. Take the time to perfect it before you start counting reps. If you use a trainer, great. Otherwise, watch my online form and then do it in the mirror or get a workout pal to watch you. Once you perfect your form, you can start pushing yourself. Be aware that if you push yourself too hard, sometimes it affects your form. Periodically take time to check it and go through the basics.
Your diet plays a vital role in both muscle-building and weight loss. Make sure you have a healthy diet. Eat a pre-workout and post-workout snack consisting of carbs and protein, such as peanut butter on apple slices.
Instead of working out longer, shorten your rest times between exercises. If you don’t have time for a full workout, don’t skip it. You can break your workout into several shorter sessions throughout the day.
Don’t forget warm-up and cool-down exercises. When you warm up, you prepare your body by increasing circulation and slowly raising your heart rate. Cooling down helps prevent blood from pooling.
Include all types of exercises in your workout, strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance. Each type of exercise protects your body in different ways. Track your workouts to ensure you’re making progress.