How to Lose Weight During Menopause

How to Lose Weight During Menopause

Ask most women going through menopause about issues like weight gain and the majority will express frustration and even a bit of shock. After all, the hormonal changes that begin with perimenopause and continue right through to the end of menopause can create an unprecedented amount of change in a woman’s body. Not only can the hormonal issues cause problems, but the stress these issues bring can exacerbate the issue.

Fortunately, it is entirely possible to combat the weight gain, lose a bit of weight and keep it off. It is incredibly helpful to first understand why weight loss becomes a bit more difficult as you can then take steps to override some of the problems.

We already learned about the hormonal changes, and the only solution to that is to take prescription hormone replacement, but that may not alter the weight gain issue. Why not? Because age and hormones also cue the loss of muscle mass. Muscle is wonderful for the metabolism and burns up a lot of calories. Because of this, you may be eating as you always have but the loss of muscle mass starting in menopause can reduce your metabolic rate and cause weight gain.

Menopause, for many, means less sleep and because of that weight gain can occur much more easily than ever before. Lastly, insulin is a hormone and the hormonal changes of menopause can make you insulin resistant. This means your cells are not opening up to accept energy, and this causes your body to store more and more fat.

So, how can you start to undo some of the issues that menopause has caused in terms of weight gain?

  • Use weight training and cardio when exercising. You don’t have to go to the gym and start with barbells, but you will want to add exercises that use your body weight as a form of resistance. Think lunges, squats, burpees and other exercises that help you build or maintain muscle mass that burns up calories.
  • Make good sleep a priority. A strong nighttime sleep routine is a wonderful way to enjoy healthier sleep. Take a bath, meditate or do gentle stretches, go to bed at the same time and keep the room comfortable and dark to get the right amount of stress reducing sleep.
  • Cut the carbs and go for a high protein diet. The body starts to store fat differently at menopause and this can make it very difficult to lose weight. When you focus on carbs associated with fiber, such as veggies, fruits and grains and no white carbs at all, you boost your chances for weight loss after menopause.

All is not lost because of the changes in your body. Just use these tips and you’ll see a difference in the scale.



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