Make Lunch The Night Before

There are a lot of great restaurants in Calgary, Canada, but not all of them serve the lower-calorie healthy food you want. It may seem impossible to vary your meals and eat more nutritious, lower-calorie meals, but it’s not. You can make lunch the night before work and solve that problem. You also can save money and time going to lunch. You can even save money by using leftovers. Boost your calorie burning by walking to a park bench and having your lunch there.

Use leftovers to make wraps.

Get everything ready the night before and then assemble the wrap in the morning. You can use seasoned Greek yogurt, Greek yogurt with mustard, or mashed avocado as a healthy dressing for a chicken wrap. If you prefer, make chicken salad. Chop the chicken, celery, and onions the night before and put them in a sealed container. You can also slice cucumber, wash and dry lettuce leaves, slice tomatoes, or other condiment. Mix the dressing, chicken, celery, and onion in the morning and assemble the wrap.

If you have a microwave in your office, you’re in like Flint.

If there’s a refrigerator or microwave available, you can use almost any leftovers for lunch with very little work necessary. Put leftover salad in a container with your favorite dressing on the side. Take a serving size of your main dish and heat it. If there’s no microwave, lunches can still be warm. Make soup ahead and store it in single serving sizes in the freezer. Just put it in the microwave until it’s hot and take it to work in a thermos.

Mason jar salads and Buddha bowls are the best!

Buddha bowls or Mason jar salads are perfect ways to save money and use leftovers. If you don’t have leftovers, make food ahead and freeze portions. Make quinoa or rice. Top it with cooked veggies and leftover animal or vegetable protein sources. If you’re making a Mason jar lunch, use a wide-mouth jar. Make sure you put the dressing on the bottom. Then add all the veggies, including lettuce, beans, tomatoes, and chicken or beef. The key is to keep the “wettest” ingredients on the bottom and the drier ones, like cheese, on top. When you’re ready to eat, shake the jar to mix the dressing and other ingredients.

  • If you want to keep it simple, boil eggs for your main dish and make a small salad or take veggies and dip. Keep it healthy by using Greek yogurt or hummus to make the dip.
  • There are great ways for vegetarians to make a filling lunch. Chickpea salads or bean salads are filling. Sweet potato gnocchi is also a good addition.
  • Make a fruit and vegetable salad and add walnuts for the protein. You can add leftovers to your salad like small pieces of leftover steak or chopped chicken.
  • Tuna salad is easy to transport. Take a small can of tuna, a container with chopped onions and celery, or whatever you put in your tuna salad, and another small container with dressing. Assemble your salad at work.

For more information, contact us today at Get RIPPED! by Jari Love

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