Nutrition To Boost Immunity

During Covid-19, people became far more aware of making meals healthier to boost nutrition and improve immunity. It was a renaissance of cooking at home for many people. Food is your fuel. The type of food you use can help your body operate better or diminish it. Choosing a wide variety of food is necessary since some foods are better for weight loss or heart health, while others are better for their immune system.

What is the lymphatic system?

Your immune system includes more organs than you might expect. Your skin is part of it. It provides a barrier and has microbes that kill harmful bacteria. Mucus and mucus membranes secrete enzymes to kill bacteria in the airways and eyes. Stomach acid kills germs you ingest. The lymphatic system creates immune cells. Primary lymph organs include bone marrow and the thymus. Secondary ones include lymph nodes, tonsils, the spleen, and mucous membranes in the bowels. Your gut microbiome plays a huge role. Some people call the gut microbiome a secondary immune system.

Eat fewer processed foods and more whole foods.

There’s at least one type of sweet or junk food you love. Everyone has at least one favorite. It may be because of the texture or the taste. Junk food often contains added sugar and a boatload of chemicals. Seldom do they contain nutrients or fiber. Eating food with soluble fiber increases beneficial bacteria that boost the immune system. Sugar encourages inflammation and negatively affects the balance of microbes, encouraging harmful microbes and reducing beneficial ones.

Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Make your plate a rainbow of colors. Each color represents a different phytonutrient that is beneficial for your body. Anthocyanin, the phytonutrient that makes blueberries blue, is an immune booster that improves the immune system and can help fight cancer while also aiding brain health. Fruits and vegetables also contain soluble fiber that feeds the beneficial bacteria, so they can do their part in protecting your body.

  • Eat more fatty fish. Fatty fish contain omega-3 fatty acids that help prevent chronic inflammation. Inflammation protects the body, but when it goes out of whack and becomes chronic, it causes damage.
  • Use spices and herbs. You don’t add extra calories with herbs and spices, but you do add benefits. Garlic, turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon provide flavor and improve your health.
  • Snack on nuts and seeds. Besides fresh fruit or vegetables, nuts make an excellent snack. You can add dried fruit to create an immune-boosting trail mix. Nuts and seeds contain vitamin E, fiber, and selenium.
  • Include more vitamin C, D, and zinc in your diet. Vitamin C is in red bell peppers and citrus fruit. Zinc is in shellfish, legumes, meat, and seeds. Get more sun to increase vitamin D, or eat fatty fish, sardines, or fortified foods.

For more information, contact us today at Get RIPPED! by Jari Love

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