Category Archives: Fitness Tips

How to Lose Weight During Menopause

How to Lose Weight During Menopause Ask most women going through menopause about issues like [...]

20 Heart-Pumping Plyometric Exercises to Try

Never heard of plyometrics? The official definition might as well be “workout that makes you [...]

6 Dumbbell Exercises for Your Glutes

Every article of clothing from a bikini to a pair of basic jeans looks infinitely [...]

Why Audio Treadmill Workouts Can Help You Lose Your Gut

It is rare these days to see someone running outside or at the gym without [...]

Waste of Time Exercises You Do in The Gym

Time is precious, and even in our modern world of every possible convenience, none of [...]

Why Doing Cardio With Weights Sheds Weight Fast?

Cardio or weight training? It is the eternal question, and yet the answer is often [...]

Ways to Push Yourself Harder During a Workout

You’ve probably heard the old adage, “showing up is half the battle.” To a degree, [...]

Your holiday fitness fast track recovery plan

The holidays have come and gone, and you’re left to deal with the aftermath of [...]

13 Top Reasons To Exercise

Let’s face it, some days you just don’t feel like exercising. You get too busy, [...]

3 Feel-Good Moves to Blast Cellulite

Say goodbye to dimpling and Blast Cellulite with these easy exercises ! Dimples on your [...]

Top Tips for Firming Up a Saggy Butt

If you ask people to identify the least favorite part of their body you will [...]

The Top Fitness Tip

This top fitness tip is so simple and yet it makes all of the difference [...]