Category Archives: Blog

Got High Cholesterol?

These days it takes more than an apple a day to keep the doctor off [...]

Food Intolerance or Disease…Foods to Avoid

Do you have food allergies? Some of us know people who are “deathly” allergic to [...]

The Cure for Lazy

Is there a cure for lazy? I wonder. I mean I know a lot of [...]

Precisely What To Eat When You Have A Cold Or Flu

Is it “starve a fever and feed a cold”… or “starve a cold and feed [...]

What Mistakes Prevent Weight Loss

Working Out. Yes. But, no weight loss? Why? Could be mistakes that prevent weight loss... [...]

Hitting an Exercise Plateau: What to do

What is an exercise plateau? When you reach an exercise plateau, your body becomes accustomed [...]

Foods That Make You Bloat

Does it seem like you suddenly grew a bit of a gut in a single [...]

5 Healthy and Fast Meals Ready in 5 Minutes!

Most of us want to eat healthy – we really do – but a single [...]

7 Ways to Reduce Body Fat

Got body fat? Today I have 7 simple and effective ways for you to shed [...]

Fruit Medley – Perfect Summer Dessert

Craving something sweet? This fruit medley recipe is the perfect summer dessert. If you don’t [...]

Ham Wraps with Almond Butter & Apples

Here’s a quick, tasty snack that’s big on protein and fiber and low on carbs [...]

Burpees – Great Exercise to Love to Hate!

Exercise name: Burpees! Muscle Groups Worked: Core muscles; Glutes/Quads/Hamstrings; Deltoids/Pectorals/Triceps/Erector spinae Equipment Used: Body weight [...]