If you haven’t set fitness goals this year, it’s time to do that. People in Calgary, Canada, often tell me how busy they are and can’t spend hours trying to get results. Not all efforts to get fit are equal. Some get faster or more permanent results than others do. Not every type of workout is best for every person. Some workouts are too intense. Others are too easy. You must find the best workout for your needs, special considerations, and fitness level. It might be an intense workout if you’re fit or chair exercises if you’re not.
Create goals and focus on them.
If you don’t know where you’re going, you won’t know when you get there. That’s why goal setting is so vital for success. If you want to lose weight, you know it takes dietary changes and a fitness program. While changing your diet is primary, you’ll maximize your weight loss and tone your body to look thinner when you include exercise. Most people find that eating healthy and avoiding food with added sugar and highly processed food is the best place to start. Just doing those two things makes a huge difference.
Consistency is necessary, but so is variety.
Whatever workout you choose, you must do it consistently to maximize results. Working out moderately for 150 to 300 minutes a week or intensely for 75 to 150 minutes is recommended. You can break that down to a half hour a day, five days a week of moderate exercise like walking briskly or 30 minutes every other day of intense exercise. You need to include strength, flexibility, balance, and endurance training in your week of exercise.
Focus on form.
Incorrectly doing an exercise can be worse than not doing it at all. It can cause injury or minimize the benefits. Always take it slow when you start a new workout and focus on form. Once perfected, start pushing yourself and maximizing your effort. The proper form is necessary to benefit from something as simple as walking. Pull your shoulders back and down and push your head up as high as possible as though you’re trying to touch your head to the sky.
- If you want the fastest results, turn your workout into a HIIT workout. It’s a way of doing any exercise. You alternate between an intense and a recovery pace, doing a few minutes of high intensity followed by an equal or longer time at a recovery pace and then back to intense.
- Don’t do the same routine continuously. Alternate your workout frequently. When you do the same workout for months, your body becomes efficient and burns fewer calories. You also don’t work all muscles on all planes.
- You’ll be more likely to stick with an exercise program when you do it at the same time daily. Schedule it as you would any appointment. Do it at a time when you’re most likely to be free.
- Get adequate sleep. When you sleep, recovery takes place. Exercise can cause micro muscle tears that require 48 to 72 hours to heal. If you do strength-building or intense workouts, don’t do them every day.
For more information, contact us today at Get RIPPED! by Jari Love