Lifestyle Changes Worth Making This Year

If you’re one of the people in Calgary, Canada, who makes resolutions at the start of each new year, I wish you success. Many resolutions require lifestyle changes, such as exercising for 45 minutes daily or modifying dietary intake. Your lifestyle change doesn’t have to be a massive change. Switching to water from soft drinks makes a huge difference, even if you only drink them twice a week. Over a year, you’ll cut your calorie intake enough to lose three pounds without any extra effort. If you drink two a day, you could lose almost 21 pounds.

You’ll make a significant difference in your health by exercising regularly.

Your body gets stronger the more you move it. If you barely move during the day and that’s only for snacks or use the bathroom, you’ll benefit by starting a fitness program. Many people don’t feel fit enough to go to the gym, so they often begin at home with my Get Ripped sessions that they can do privately. Initially, they may not do everything, but they can do part. Eventually, they’ll be fit enough to follow it all with ease.

Start a program of healthy eating.

Healthy eating isn’t dieting. There aren’t calories or carbs to count. You don’t have to follow a list of foods to eat at each meal. Instead, you focus on consuming more whole foods, foods that aren’t highly processed. You can use frozen, canned, or fresh fruits and vegetables. Just read labels to ensure they’re natural foods, not ingredients that sound like a chemistry experiment. Cutting out food with added sugar is also part of healthy eating.

Improve your sleep habits.

Both improved sleep habits and drinking more water will help you lose weight. Lack of sleep can interfere with hormone levels. It causes the body to create more ghrelin—the hunger hormone, and less leptin—the hormone that makes you feel full. Create a sleep schedule and improve your sleep hygiene. Make the room dark and slightly cooler. Turn off all screens like your computer or the TV.

  • Stay hydrated by drinking more water. Dehydration can diminish your energy and make you feel hungry. Staying hydrated boosts your energy level and helps you lose weight by filling you up.
  • Start walking more. Make an effort to increase your steps. Park further from the store and walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk an extra half hour a day. It can be in shorter sessions several times daily.
  • Learn meditation or relaxation techniques. Deep breathing exercises, calming visualization, meditation, or other ways to relax for 10-20 minutes during tense times can help you stay healthy. Make time once a day to count your blessings.
  • Work on improving your posture. Poor posture can lead to headaches, back pain, and other conditions. When you improve your posture, you’ll have more energy and be less prone to aches and pains.

For more information, contact us today at Get RIPPED! by Jari Love

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